
Many today think that church membership is an outdated idea. They may think, "What do I need a church for? Can't I be a Christian, read my Bible, and pray all by myself?" However, that's not at all how the Bible portrays the Christian life.

Instead, the Bible teaches that we should have a clear understanding of who is in the church and who is not. Otherwise, we won't be able to keep each other accountable for our lives and conduct. In addition, the New Testament consistently teaches that Christianity is a faith that is to be held in community. Jesus doesn't want us to be "lone-ranger" Christians, as if there was such a thing. Instead, he wants us to come together for worship, encouragement, prayer, receiving the Lord's Supper, and to hear his word preached each week, so that we might be strengthened and emboldend to serve our neighbors and speak the message of Jesus throughout the week.

If you would like to become a member of our church, please review our beliefs and church covenant, and then contact our pastor. Usually, prospective members have a meeting with our pastor so that he can hear what they believe about Jesus, about when they began believing in Jesus, and of their desire to commit to our church.

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